Thursday, April 20, 2006


P.S.: This section would take time to take shape and I intend to publish loads of information..

It's almost been a year since I started going to gym (California Fitness Center at Orchard Road), had been quite regular throughout except for major 10-15 days breaks in May05, July05, Nov05, Mar/April06. I have vowed to be regular again and continuously make improvements/refinements in my training.

Apr 05 - Oct 05 : This was the toughest period, being a lethargic guy who never excersised earlier, getting my bum out of bed at 5am in the morning and rushing to gym was painful. I forced and motiviated myself and soon got used to it, soon it turned to be that If I miss a day in gym that day goes gloomy.

I started of with both aerobic and anerobic excersises with basic resistance/weight training and cardio. The following was the routine..
Mon - Biceps/triceps, abs
Tue - Chest
Wed - Legs
Thu - Repeat Monday
Fri - Repeat Tuesday

The cardio part was going on 30-45 minutes walk/slow jog on treadmill, I used to rotate this with cross trainer.

There wasn't significant progress as to physique due to mistakes I made in nutrition but it definitely helped me in increasing strength/endurance and mainly getting used to the gym, learning new excersises and above all feeling good about it.

Nov 05 - Mar 06

I have started a total new routine during this period and started using free weights since Jan06. I do a 5 to 6 day split with one or two rest days. The tentative routine is as follows
Monday - Biceps/Forearms/Abs
Barbell curls, dumbell curls, ab crunches
Tuesday - Pectorials(Chest)
Flat bench press, inclined bench press, pectorial fly
Wednesday - Legs (Hamstrings, Qaudraceps, Glutes) { Most painful day }
Squats, Dead lifts, Calf presses
Thursday - Biceps/Back/Abs
Barbell curls, Cable curls, ab crunches,pullups or latpull
Friday - Chest, Shoulder, Tricpes
Declined bench press, tricep pushdown, shoulder presses
Saturday - Just confine to cardio on treadmill or use it if I missed any excersise during the week

The progress during this period was satisfactory, lost good amount of fat (36% to 29%) and increase in muscle tone. My waist went down from 36.5 to 32.5 inches, the lean mass has gone up (don't have figures at present). I can lift weights almost twice heavy compared to the first period I mentioned. Iam still on a cutting diet and feel thats the reason Iam unable to develop much muscle, soon I intend to go on a bulk diet when my fat percentage comes below 25%.

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