Monday, July 02, 2007

Celebrity Look Alikes...

Found this feature offered from a website on sarah's blog..seems total crappy algorithm that matches facial features...anyway no harm to try for a laugh...

my look alikes - Silvister Stallone (54%), Jean-Luc Godard (54%),Ritche Valens(50%), Tommy Lee Jones (48%)..

Phil's look alikes - Adam Sandler (67%), Luke Wilson (59%), Paul Hindemith (55%),
Gerald Butler (53%)

Sandy's matches look better..matched mostly to oriental celebrities...Kim Hee Sun(62%),Portia (78%), Song Hye Koo (78%), Sammi Cheng(68%)

Kevin Kline(61%), Giovanni Fulcone(64%), Tom Sizemore(61%), Albert Einstein(59) - Did it match to Einstein's brain too??
Tried Andy's pic as well but the software errored out saying cannot recognise facial features in his picture...used the one "drunk with mustaches" on Phil's blog.

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